May 13, 2010

Modern 2 With Jeremy - Camper Rage

Since this week is all about Rage at Gammabit, this installment of Modern 2 With Jeremy will be a rant on what makes me rage more than anything whilst playing online.

I'll be having a gay old time rocking some Hardcore Team Deathmatch online, when all of a sudden... Bullets... From the dark corner in that room... Time to respawn. I decide to go back and try to check if the guy is still there, I see shots from a different corner in the same room... It's the same asshole. So I decide to go a different route after respawning and suddenly, a head poking out from behind a crate shoots the shit outta me... Another one! I quit! If you haven't figured out what causes me such rage, it's what they call... Campers.

There is nothing worse than playing some MW2 and having a majority of the other team just hanging out waiting for you to turn corners, walk into rooms, or go through a hallway. They are just sitting there for some reason, waiting to kill the unsuspecting player who actually does something other than sit and wait.

Literal camping.

Now camping is something that I don't get. What is the fun in sitting in one spot, waiting for somebody on the other team to come around,  shoot at them for two seconds and then continue on with waiting around. I mean sure you can increase your Kill/Death ratio a little because you don't die as much, but is it worth the boring repetition of sitting around?

And I've tried this camping's hard to just sit there AND I got less kills than I would have if I had ran around the map shooting people as I shot them. Sure I died more than you dirty, filthy campers BUT I had the fun of moving around and finding people to get my shootings into. Therefore I had fun playing a video game that is supposed to be fun, and if I caused any rage quiting it was because I'm just handing an ass to it's owner too much and they can't take the heat of my kitchen.

So if you read this and are guilty of camping... Please, just stop. For the love of your religious figure, or lack thereof... Stop. Do us all a favor and have some fun playing your games that are intended to be fun. It will make the world a better, Rage free world. Thank you. Until next time.

- Jeremy M.

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