May 11, 2010

A History of Rage Quitting - Sinistar

Maybe it's because I suck, but Midway/Williams Arcade Classic, Sinistar causes me much, much, much anguish. I hate it very so.


Released in 1982 for Arcades, Sinister requires you to destroy asteroids to collect crystals. These crystals are required to make a sinibomb, the only weapon capable of destroying the evil Sinistar. Workers will attempt to steal crystals, 13 of them will complete the bastard and he'll come and eat your interstellar craft. Warriors attempt to destroy you and deflect your sinibombs. It wasn't ported to any other platforms of the time, but it has made it's way onto a large variety of arcade compilations.


My experience from this game came from playing it on the Midway Arcade Treasures for my Playstation 2. I was successful in making almost every other game on the collection my bitch. I was a happy boy. Then came Sinistar, which is possibly the reason to why I'm so miserable today. Maybe it was because I didn't know what to do, but I found myself getting completely annihilated everytime I tried to play that game. If it wasn't the stupid warrior ships, it was Sinistar himself with his cries of "I live!", "Run, Coward" "I Hunger!" and eating my ship whole. Everytime that happened, I let out a cry of "FUCK!" and attempted it again. I'm a bit of a masochist you see.

You hunger? How about you eat my dick? Asshole.

In the end, let's just say I used a variety of interesting curse combinations, many of which I still find myself using today. They were pretty clever! Since the game was a rental, I didn't end up smashing the shit out of it, though I should have. But I did end up destroying my Clear-green PS2 remote that I loved so much. I'm sorry controller, but the game made me do it. No... Sinistar did...

...The Douchebag.

- Kyle K.

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