April 1, 2010

Star Trek Sequel to be about the revenge of the Vulcans?

It has been reported by numerous sources now that the final draft for the Star Trek sequel has been finished early and the upcoming film will have a phase involving revenge. Former writers Robert Orci and Alex Kurtzman have left the franchise due to creative differences and therefore Phillip Burvaloin has been given the task of continuing the adventures of the U.S.S. Enterprises and her crew. Burvaloin said that he wants to give the audience a sense of just how far the alternate reality has shifted the Star Trek universe after the events of the last film.

"Now that the entire timeline has been shifted, it's a whole new game for us to play," Burvaloin said in a phone interview from Los Angeles, California. "It's a chance for us writers to take on new ways of telling the stories of characters that fans have come to cherish."

Burvaloin confessed that like many of the crew, he was not a fan of the original Star Trek films or T.V. shows. He also said he refused to look to any of them for inspiration during the writing of the script.

"Why would I watch a show when we've restarted the franchise?" Burvaloin said. "I'm not going to sit down and watch episode to episode of nothing but technological nonsense! Drama is what the audience is looking for!"

Burvaloin elaborated on details regarding the film's plot and explained it would set a darker tone to Star Trek for one particular species; the Vulcans. After the last film, the population of the Vulcan race has been drastically cut down and the planet has been destroyed. Burvaloin said he wanted to show how the Vulcans would take the pain of their homeworld lost.

"Now that all these Vulcans are left without a home, I'd say they're pretty ticked off," Burvaloin said. "They'll become the villains of the movie, because they're known so well for their lack of emotion that anger would be the last thing the audience would expect. We need to treat these aliens as human beings."

Burvaloin said that the character of Spock (Zachary Quinto) would have the conflict of being tempted to join his vengeful Vulcan brothers and sisters. It was also implied that because the future Spock (Leonard Nimoy) is stuck in the past, this will lead to a dark confrontation between the past and future forms of the character.

"Spock is going to be with the other Vulcans for a while," Burvaloin said. "He's going to be wondering which side he belongs on and Future Spock is going to return to try and put a stop to him. How often do you have a movie where someone has to fight their past self?"

Burvaloin said shooting for the Star Trek sequel will begin soon and director J.J. Abrams has yet to hear about his script idea.

"J.J. doesn't know about the script yet," Burvaloin said. "But I know he's going to love it when he sees it. I mean come on, who wouldn't?"

Filming for Star Trek: Vulcan Vengeance is scheduled to begin exactly one year from today, April 1 2011.

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