March 24, 2011


So it's been over a year since I started this Blog, roughly 6 months since I made it inactive, and 3 months since I said I would be coming back.

Well, it is.

I originally intended to port all this shit onto Wordpress, which I quickly found out was a wonderful crock of shit, but that plan is gone now. After 3 weeks of wasted time and energy, as well as general not-giving-a-fuck, I backed out of bringing this blog back.

As fortune has it, there are actually people out there who enjoy reading the shit I write. I know, I thought it was ridiculous at first too! But, that was enough encouragement to have me reboot this bitch.

Gammabit is back officially. Rejoice!

But, I'll have you know, it's not my priority, not like it used to be, where I religiously wrote about as much shit as I could during the week. I may do something like that over the summer, but not now. I have school, then I'm hoping to find a full-time job so I can fund this fucking site AND start up a hobby record label at the same time.

Also, Gammabit is going to be less newsy that it used to be, I'm planning to write a couple articles about obscure Japanese RPGs, Indie Gaming in Toronto, Why the 3DS blows, SCHMUPS as well as other things. If you would like, I'm completely willing to have someone become my "News Intern." Where you can scrounge up an interesting spot of news, a review, or something else every once in a while. That's cool with me.

So I'm hoping to have a couple things for you guys on Monday. Thanks for the support and stuff.


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