Hey everybody! Looking to get some mastery challenges? Done most except the F2000? OR frustrated trying to get the F2000 done? Is the massive amount of recoil in this gun causing you rage? Well you're in luck because I have a couple tips on how you can master it!
So the first tip I have for you shooters is that it's easier to get kills with this gun in the hardcore game modes, I recommend you play Hardcore Team Deathmatch. With the high power of this gun it only takes 1 or 2 bullets to get a kill in hardcore. This leads to getting more kills than you would playing just the regular game modes. If you really want to get a lot of kills, play Hardcore Headquarters since you ALWAYS get more kills playing Headquarters.Second, I recommend you use the Holographic sight once you have it unlocked. From the experience I have getting the mastery for this gun, I found that this sight is the easiest to use. This will give you higher accuracy with this tough-to-aim weapon.
Once you are left with just the FMJ kills to get for your mastery, I say set your 1st perk to using Bling. This way you can still have the Holographic sight on your gun to have the highest amount of accuracy while trying to shoot through stuff to get kills.
The final tip I can give you guys is to shoot in very short bursts and try your hardest to get close-to-medium range kills. If you keep the bursts short, the gun will give off the least amount of recoil. Since the gun is a recoil whore, this makes it easy to get kills if you play on hardcore game modes. I also strongly recommend that you don't attempt to get long range kills with this weapon, It's very hard to get a far away kill with only a few bullets from a burst shot.
So I hope these tips can help you guys to not rage so hard when trying to use the F2000 rifle. If you take these tips to heart, you should be able to get the mastery challenge done for this gun and be able to move on with your gaming life knowing you did something really tough to accomplish! Have fun and just breathe to minimize rage.
- Jeremy M.
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