Well, after hating on the iPad, I may seem a bit fanboy-ish to have not hated Microsoft's touchpad, the 'Courier', but I had my very good reasons, firstly, two screens are better than one. Secondly, the Courier was more 'organiser' than it was 'weird niche product between smartphone and laptop', and finally, the dam thing could at least multi-task. Unfortunately, the Courier has been put on hold indefinitely, "we have no plans to build such a device at this time" says Microsoft's VP of Communications in an email to Gizmodo. This is an unfortunate outcome, as while I loathed the iPad, I do see the market and use for such devices, the Courier apparently fitting this market. Small, multitasking devices like the iPad are needed in a variety of environments, such as use by students, corporates and artists. What was wrong with the iPad was that it targeted exactly none of those people, something the Courier could have rectified. However hope is not entirely lost, as with the at least initial success of the iPad, it won't be long before other companies answer in kind, and hopefully one such company gets the formula of device, function, and market right. In the meantime, hope you enjoy what could have been.
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