Ska Studio's latest Xbox Live Indie Game release gets upgraded to the full-upgrade treatment, gets pushed back 2 years.
Most of us at Gammabit love Ska Studios, the one-man indie team responsible for such miraculous wonders as the Dishwasher: Dead Samurai and I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES 1NIT!!!1 We also expected to adore James Silva's latest romp, Charlie Murder, where you play as the Titular Punk-rocker and rescue his girlfriend from his Sinister Heavy Metal rivals.

Originally slated as an Indie Release that was due in March, Charlie Murder has moved up a level and will now be featured on Xbox Live Arcade. But not anytime soon, as the game is now slated for a 2012 release. Possibly due to the fact that Ska Studios is run by a single man and possibly because he's currently working on the fantastical follow-up to Dead Samurai, "The Dishwasher: Vampire Kiss." Actually, the real reason is so the band can enjoy a stint in Rehab.
We'll keep you updated, as Charlie Murder is looking to be a fun, ass-kicking adventure.
- Kyle K.
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