April 20, 2010

Modern 2 with Jeremy - Stimulus Package

So let's start out with the map that is weakest in my opinion, Storm. This new map is a very dark industrial area filled with random bits of machinery, vehicles, and crates. There is an indoor area within the middle-area of the map. This indoor area seems very cluttered and is a little bit confusing to move around in. Now because of the dark areas inside, and outside in this map, it makes those players who choose to "camp" very hard to see at times. This becomes very frustrating to players like me who like to move around the map. Thus, I find Storm to be the weakest map of the package in the entire package.

Now that our bad map is out of the way, lets get to the rest! The next map to go through is the snowy junkyard Salvage. This slightly smaller map is one of my new personal favorites in the game. This level is full of loads of crushed cars and stacked debris such as piles of pipping and crates. For those players who like the use of high points for sniper rifles there is a cabin that oversees most of the map, and a metal tower in pretty much right in the center of the map. For those who enjoy camping, there are plenty of corners, ledges, and hiding spots for you to stay in. But overall I think Salvage is a great addition to the Modern 2 maps.

Next on the list is the map comically named Bailout. This map is my personal favorite of the Stimulus Package. It is a multi-leveled apartment complex with something to offer for all types of Modern 2 gamers. For those who like to snipe, there are three two-story areas where you can see lots of the map and catch people when they are unexpecting from a far distance. There are plenty of things to hide behind like bushes, crates, and rooms to stay in for the camping lot. And for those like me who run around the maps like myself, there is plenty of room to move around and get all your frustrations out shooting others.


The final maps are two of the more popular maps from Call of Duty 4. These of course are Overgrown and Crash. These maps have not changed much so I won't really get into them in detail. Just know that the maps have only been slightly altered and look a little bit nicer now in Modern 2. So fans of the maps like me will still love the classics and won't have any complaints about them. A great choice by the makers to bring back these two maps from CoD4.

So overall, for those hardcore fans of Modern Warfare 2 like myself, it is definitive worth the 15 bucks (1200 Microsoft Points) to get these maps and have a great time playing them. For those who don't play the game much, or aren't too huge into it, I don't recommend that you pay the 15 dollars as it will most likely be a waste, since you’re most likely still having fun on the original maps. So until the maps go down in price, I wouldn't suggest paying for them just yet.

So that's all I have for this post, please if you can let me know what you think of what I'm going to be posting by commenting if you don't mind. If you really want to, you can add my gamertag and I can see what you've got. It's Griggs Face. Until next time, have fun gaming and try not to rage quit.

- Jeremy M.

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