Since we figured that’d we were going to run out of Freeware games in a matter of weeks, we killed off Freeware Friday. Now, it’s Indie Friday, talking about all sorts of Indie goodness. Today we’re going to look at a some Xbox Live Indie exclusives, one is a trilogy of sorts while the other is an old school Zombie massacre.
Arkedo Games is an Independent developer located in France responsible for a pair of Puzzle titles on the DS. Their most recent work happens to be a series of games known as the “Arkedo Series” on the 360’s Indie Service. The plan was originally to have a new game each month, but that has yet to happen. So far, 3 games have been released: Jump! Swap! And Pixel! Let’s take a look at those.

Jump! is number 001 in the Arkedo series, you play as Jumpboy, who must collect a variety of bombs that have dropped by a sinister robot crab. The game requires you to complete a variety of stages by collecting timed bombs scattered throughout the level. A variety of dangerous creatures and tricky platforming makes this task challenging. After completing certain levels you can also unlock challenging bonus stages.
Swap! Is the second in the Arkedo series and goes back to Arkedo’s Puzzle game roots. It plays similar to games like Bejewled, only with cats and a nonsensical plot added to the mix. It's gives you a feeling of familiarity and there are a variety of difficulty settings.
Pixel! Is the third and latest game in the series and was co-developed by Pastagames, another Indie group in France. You play as pixel, an adorable pixelated kitty that’s adventuring through a variety of locales. This is definitely the best game released in the series so far. It’s a fun, well-designed platforming adventure and is worth more than you’re going to be shelling out for it.
The Arkedo games are 240 Microsoft Points each, which translates to $3 a game. That’s a bargain I say. Now let’s look at something a little different.
I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES 1N IT!!!1 is an onslaught-style arcade game, where you survive as long as you can against endless hordes of the undead and other enemies. You can play with up to three other players locally (No online unfortunately) and see who can rack up the most points. The game also happens to have the greatest background song ever. It’s worth paying the 80 Microsoft Points ($1) for the song alone, but the game is pretty addictive too. Ska Studios, who created this monster, is also responsible for the rather awesome brawler "The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai" so look into that too.
Out of the above games I recommend taking the plunge and spending your money on Pixel! and I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES 1N IT!!!1, as they are among the best titles on the Indie Service. If you like Pixel! I’d recommend checking out the other two games as well. Don't forget you can buy these games from you PC as well, just click on the links provided, log in and buy! Until next week, this is your Indie Friday.
- Kyle K.
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