April 15, 2010

Games of the Wild West - Part 3

Today we talk about another First-Person Shooter set in the Old West, only this one is a little different compared to yesterday's game, Call of Juarez.

The one I'm talking about is the Atari published Dead Man's Hand, which made its way onto PC and Xbox in 2004. Though the actual gameplay is conventional, there are a couple unique things about Dead Man's Hand that make the game worth giving a shot.

You play as El Tejon, a former member of the notorious group of outlaws only known as the "Nine." After you refuse to partake in the murder of women and children, your fellow outlaws turn on you and you're left to rot in a prison cell. As fortune has it, you're cellmate is the leader of a revolutionary group and you're set free to go kill the bastards who betrayed you.

The classic Western-revenge plot isn't the only thing that feels familiar about Dead Man's Hand, the gameplay is rather basic for an FPS game, except for a couple tricks that it has up it's sleeve. In-between levels, you're dealt a poker hand, which changes aspects of the game, such as health and ammo bonuses. This can be very beneficial, as you are often thrown into waves of enemies and with only four weapons at your disposal, things can get ugly.

Another unique feature in the game is "Tricks shots" which build up points. You earn points by doing a variety of things, such as shooting the hats off enemies or shooting objects out of the air. Once the points build up, you're able to use a secondary fire option with one of your weapons which can have devastating results on your foes.

In the Wild West, They armed their Hookers!

Though the game is rather bland with the gameplay, it's a rather pretty looking shooter for it's time, it also took advantage of a physics engine, which was a new thing back when it was released. Though you won't be able to play online on the Xbox version starting tonight, check it out on both consoles. You'd be glad you did.

- Kyle K.

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