April 20, 2010

Game of the Wild West - Part 4

Okay, so this is pushing it a little bit, but Red Steel 2 is technically a Western-themed title or I probably wouldn't love it as much.

The vastly-improved sequel to Ubisoft's Red Steel, a Katana-fighting game that also happened to be a launch title for the Wii, is unique in that it successfully merges Western and Cyberpunk with stereotypical Japanese themes. The game also benefits from a colorful Cel-shaded artstyle and improved controls thanks the inclusion of the MotionPlus adapter.

Guns are also an effective way to exterminate hordes of thugs

Like a traditional Western tale, you are a nameless badass, who is a member of the Kusigari Clan. After being dragged across a desert on a Motorcycle, you meet with your former Sensei Jian. From here you go on a rampage throughout various Western-themed locales slaughtering hordes of Katana-wielding thugs.


The Wii MotionPlus is what makes the game. When compared to the original, in which the controls made you feel like a man trying to swat away a hive of angry wasps before anything happens, the controls in Red Steel 2 are actually responsive. Special moves are also easy to perform and you'll find yourself screaming "OH SHIT!" more than once while playing.

If you have a Wii and the game is of any interest to you in all, I assure you. Go buy this sucka. You can get the game on it's own or packaged with the MotionPlus if you don't already have one, so check it out.

- Kyle K.

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