April 29, 2010

Bungie signs 10-year contract with Activision. The World is left Confused.

What. The. Hell.

Considering the strong possibility that Infinity Ward, the team behind the good Call of Duty games, is going to die in a matter of weeks, this is probably good news for Activision.

According to an open-letter the folks at G4 have kindly released for us, the core Bungie team is still hard at work on Halo: Reach. But Co-Founder Jason Jones on the other hand, is leading a small team who is working on a new IP for the company. It's this IP that will be published by Activision for the next 10 years.

Take out the Spartans and you got Bungie's new game!

We're going to have to see what comes out of this contract, I for one assume that this new Intellectual property is going to be Halo, only with a lot less Halo. If you catch my drift. But I guess that's a good thing if you like Halo.

- Kyle K.

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