April 5, 2010

La-Mulana (WIIWARE) Preview

Wow, someone at Nintendo must have TIGsource saved under their favorites tab, because there is a LOT of indie games as of late. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing of course. The most promising of these indie remakes is looking to the be the Action-Adventure title, La-Mulana.

Similar to it's better known counterpart Cave Story, which had received a Wii-make that was release 2 weeks ago, it's a complete visual overhaul of a Japanese Freeware title. La-Mulana is essentially Metroid mixed with Indiana Jones in the form of an MSX tribute. This game lives and breathes retro: The awesome 8-bit visuals, the awesome digitized soundtrack and the punishing difficulty all add up to a fantastic game.

And now, you can play it on your Wii! Thanks to Nicalis, the same independent publisher that brought us the Cave Story remake.

Now let's talk about the game itself for a minute. You play as hat-wearing, whip-weilding Archeologist, Lemeza Kosuki, who is on a mission to explore the mysterious ruins of La-Mulana. Similar to Metroid and the newer Castlevania titles, the game is a non-linear adventure title where you explore and solve puzzles as you please. That being said, exploring in the game is treacherous as there are many dangerous animals and monsters that roam the ruins and the nearby jungles, you'll find yourself being overwhelmed if you're not careful. As I previously mentioned, the game is hard, very, very hard. Not only are there treacherous enemies afoot, but the ruins themselves are littered with traps and dead ends. You may find yourself trapped in a room, as the spiked ceiling slowly descends upon you, leaving you with the same fate as the others who foolishly explored the ruins before you.

Now you can experience all of this on the Wii, with a modern update! Though the game may lose most of it charm due to the lack of 8-bit (Though it's still technically retro with the 16-bits...) everything that made the game awesome remains untouched, including the difficulty, so it could very well be an improvement over the original.

As of right now, there is currently no release date set for the game, but we shall continue to keep you updated on the game as development progresses. In the mean-time you should download the original (Don't forget to install the English patch!) and practice, so you'll be able to take on all the challenges the ruins of La-Mulana will throw at you when the game is available later this year.

- Kyle K.

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